P01 → item Magazin #5
item is the student magazine of the school of culture and design at HTW Berlin. In this fifth edition, under the supervision of Aletta Wetterstrand, we explored themes such as identity, origin, self-discovery, subculture, and change. All under the theme of kursiv, symbolizing the fluidity of our times. 

As art director of the fifth issue, I was responsible for the management of the design team, as well as the organization and planning in collaboration with the editorial team. In addition to creating the concept for the fifth issue together with the design team, the work mainly dealt with the layout design of the magazine.


The Team
Editorial: Emely Tenchio, Leonie Rolser, Amina Zerourou, Malena Tafel, Malin Hiegle, Talile Bekele
Design: Imari Moxter, Lea Pagels, Laura Wolf, Pauli Schneider, Selma Harms, Tereza Menclova